The cultural association “Cilento on the road” takes life in June 2012 in Rocca Cilento, ancient capital of the medieval barony, and it promotes the work “T’aggia fa vere ‘u Ciliento” (I’D LIKE TO SHOW YOU CILENTO).
Whitout thin of profit, it is composed for the greatest part by young partners from 20 and 30 years old, united by the same love for own land.
The Association sets itself a cultural aim with thematic initiatives (cultural, sporting, musical, etc…) that attract a curious tourism to discovery of Cilento.
Amond the numerous projects, those imminent are the realization and publication of magazines and books concerning the history of territory, organization of conferences and cultural lectures on the cilentan traditions, feasts and demonstrations of folklore and food, trekking and musical events, activities for the promotion of the territorial and human values, of Cilento, Vallo of Diano and Alburnus because all can draw to a historical memory.
The Association operates with other associations present in the territory, aware of the strength of the aggregation and the collaboration, implied fundamental for the exploitation and the territorial promotion.