Feast of Saint Agnello Abbot
PISCIOTTA - 10 august and 14 december Go to Village

The cult of Saint Aniello or lamb was born neapolitan influence through trade by sea. Linked to the saint is the care of the sick, in the past it was believed that the flag of the saint possessed healing properties and was brought into the homes of the sick and later brought to church to healing in occurred. The strong devotion has made sure that the country had the feast of the saint twice, on december 14 (the anniversary of the saint's death) and august 10 with a big party votive. The anniversary summer, impressive is the time of the procession through the streets of the country: the statues of saint lucia and brothers saint aniello are transported to the head of the procession, with the faithful bearers of “cente” and to the members of the brotherhood dedicated to the saint. The anniversary winter instead is kept in mind the ancient custom for pregnant women not to use scissors and knives, because the saint might take revenge on unborn children by making them be born maimed.

Cultural Association "Cilento on the road"

Via S. Anna, 20 - 84050 Rocca Cilento (SA) - Italy