Every year in auletta in august we celebrate the feast of the patron saint san donato from ripacandida. According to legend the saint having to leave the country would leave his arm in defense and protection. The relic of the right forearm is worshiped in the church mother kept in a silver reliquary of 1618.
Another sacred effigy is the precious silver bust depicting the saint in ecstasy that the marquise de caggiano did prepare as a thanksgiving for the healing of his grandson in 1723.
On the 17th day of the festival at 10 am the relic and the sacred image of the saint is carried in procession through the village along with the band and to the faithful who sing folk songs and prayers. He returns to the mother church for religious celebrations and at 12 you shoot short fireworks. The evening stroll through the alleys of the village lit and full of stalls and there is to musical performances in the square. The next day in the afternoon we organize a solemn procession with the relics of the saint and celebrates mass. During the festival visitors can go all the mother church to kiss the relic as a sign of devotion.